And then something happened. More bubbly popped open (who did that?!), and a new birthday game was born! And what this meant, was that the music was pumped up to full volume, and the dancing ensued. And I'm guessing the cats woke up next door.
This game is great - I highly recommend it for getting everybody in the spirit of things at family do's :o) It worked for us, anyhow. I think it started with somebody innocently musing about what kind of music was popular when Mum was born. It evolved from that, to us all trying to guess exact songs for the month and year everybody was born. Then trying to guess number 1 hits for the month and year everyone turned 16, 18, 21... you get the idea. The fun part was finding the answer to all of these guesses and playing them via Youtube / the main speakers in the living room. And our cheese and wine night turning in to a full on partAY. TO THE DISCO...!
Look how lovely my Godparents are... :o)
What a nice evening, full of even nicer people. I'm really glad I ended it in a dignified fashion. It might have been embarrassing, otherwise.